
This document specifies a compact persistent storage representation for compilation records, suitable for use by Kythe to generate cross-reference data and to apply other static analysis tools to source files.


To generate cross-references, Kythe captures a record of each compilation that is to be indexed (e.g., a library or binary) with enough information to enable us to replay the compilation to the front-end of the compiler. This record consists of a CompilationUnit protobuf message, together with the content of all the source files and other inputs the compiler needs to process the compilation (e.g., header files or type snapshots from dependencies).

Kythe ZIP Format (.kzip)

To store compilation records compactly, we use a specially formatted ZIP archive that we call a kzip file, conventionally given the file extension .kzip. A kzip file consists of the following directory structure:

root/           # Any valid non-empty directory name
     abcd1234   # Compilation unit (JSON format, see below for details)
     ...        # (name is hex-coded SHA256 of record content)
     1a2b3c4e   # File contents, uncompressed
     ...        # (name is hex-coded SHA256 of uncompressed file content)

This organization separates the compilation unit descriptions from their file data, which are shared among multiple compilations.

.kzip can offer alternate structures, in which compilation units are formatted in other encodings. Currently the only other encoding defined and supported is "proto". In this case, the directory structure will look like

root/           # Any valid non-empty directory name
     abcd1234   # Compilation unit (proto format, see below for details)
     ...        # (name is hex-coded SHA256 of record content)
     1a2b3c4e   # File contents, uncompressed
     ...        # (name is hex-coded SHA256 of uncompressed file content)

Directory and File Layout

A kzip is a ZIP file containing a top-level root directory that contains two subdirectories, one named units and one named files.

  • The units (or pbunits) subdirectory may contain only unit files.

  • The files subdirectory may contain only data files.

  • Other files or directories inside the units or files subdirectories should cause a tool to consider the kzip file invalid.

  • Other files or subdirectories in the root or other subdirectories should be ignored by a tool processing the kzip file.

A unit file is a file containing a compilation unit description. The name of a unit file is computed by digesting the compilation unit with SHA256, and encoding the resulting hash as a string of lowercase ASCII hexadecimal digits. This string becomes the filename of the unit file. Note that the digest should only process the CompilationUnit itself, and should not include the other contents of the wrapper message. Details on the digesting algorithm are described below.

A data file is a file containing an unstructured blob of raw (uncompressed) file data. The name name of a data file is computed by hashing the file contents with SHA256, and encoding the resulting hash as a string of lowercase ASCII hexadecimal digits. This string becomes the filename of the data file.

The root directory must be the first entry in the ZIP file, and its name must not be empty.

Compilation Unit Description Format

The content of a unit file is the canonical JSON encoding of a kythe.proto.IndexedCompilation protobuf message.

   "unit": <encoded kythe.proto.CompilationUnit>,
   "index": {
      "revision": ["123", "456", "789"]

The "unit" key is required, and must contain the canonical JSON encoding of a kythe.proto.CompilationUnit protobuf message. The "index" key is optional, but if set must contain the canonical JSON encoding of an Index message.

For the proto encoding of compilation units, the content of the unit is the standard wire-encoding of the kythe.proto.IndexedCompilation protobuf message.

Computing the digest for a Compilation Unit

The representative implementation can be found in kythe/go/platform/kcd/kythe/units.go.



the one-byte value corresponding to ASCII NULL (\0x00)


the one-byte value corresponding to ASCII newline (\x0a)

All strings are emitted in UTF-8 encoding.

Canonical form

For the purposes of computing the digest, a compilation unit should be in canonical form. This is defined as:

  • the field required_input is deduplicated and sorted according to cu.required_input.path

  • the field environment is sorted by

  • the field source_file is sorted

  • the field details is sorted by details.type_url

Digest computation

Let v be a kythe.proto.VName. Then a digest of v is

   v.signature NULL v.corpus NULL v.root NULL v.path NULL v.language NULL

Let cu be an instance of kythe.proto.CompilationUnit. Then a digest of cu is computed as the sequence

   "CU" NL cu.vname NULL

followed by, for each required input:

   "RI" NL cu.required_input[i].vname NULL
   "IN" NL cu.required_input[i].info.path NULL cu.required_input[i].info.digest NULL

followed by:

   "ARG" NL cu.argument[0] NULL cu.argument[1] NULL ...
   "OUT" NL cu.output_key NULL
   "SRC" NL cu.source_file[0] NULL cu.source_file[1] NULL ...
   "CWD" NL cu.working_directory NULL
   "CTX" NL cu.entry_context NULL

followed by, for each cu.environment:

   "ENV" NL cu.environment[i].name NULL cu.environment[i].value NULL

finally followed by, for each cu.details:

   "DET" NL cu.details[i].type_url NULL cu.details[i].value NULL

For the cu.details.value, this is the sequence of bytes of the wire-encoding proto representation of the value.